Thursday, April 30, 2015

African Americans Connecting with Afro-Colombians

An African-American organization known as the Black Heritage Riders (BHR) is fulfilling a dream that I've always had about my own Latin-American experience, and that is reaching out to connect with blacks in the various Latin-American countries I visit, particularly Peru and Ecuador where I have established a significant personal connections.

My dream is to retire in a Spanish-speaking country and offer whatever assistance I can as I make myself apart of their black community. I often thought of the idea of teaching English and becoming a member of a black self-empowerment organization.

Recently the BHR established a foundation in Cali, Colombia that implements community-based English language training and academic instruction along with other educational enrichment resources to give Afro-Colombian youth living in impoverished communities a better opportunity to improve their lives and overcome the overwhelming challenges of obtaining employment.  

Their goal is to empower Afro-Colombian children with the skills and tools necessary to meet their physiological needs which include their desire for personal safety and social affiliation; to assist in building character, developing self-esteem, and ultimately helping them to reach the point of self-actualization. BHR is assisting Afro-Colombian communities with eliminating violence and promoting higher education.

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